Nightlife In Barcelona

In this Tour we will get to know how people in Barcelona amused and entertained themselves through history. On a walk at night time we will discover together how people in the city have had fun, from Roman times till nowadays: how they understood sex, the role of prostitution, or the city’s long relationship with transgenderism. What did they eat and drink? Which drugs did they use? Get to know bandits, bootleggers, or smugglers: the historical underdogs of Barcelona.
Barcelona´s night has been the setting for all the frenzy movements that have stirred the city, from opera, tango, or artistic performances, to gambling, or even chocolate!
Duration: 2h.
Price: 10 €/person
Available languages: English, Spanish, Greek, Catalan.
All the essence of the great Barcelona, the perennial, the insobornable is in their streets.
– Federico García Lorca