Legends and stories of Barcelona, (A tribute to Joan Amades)

Once upon a time… People in my hometown told me… My grandpa used to tell…
Official historiography has often disdained popular culture, labeling it as being unreliable or trivial when, actually, legends, myths, and fairy tales usually hide facts that reveal the real feel of the people. This tour reviews “Legends and Stories of Barcelona”, a massive compilation of our city’s popular culture, written by the genius of Catalan folklorism: Joan Amades i Gelats. A tireless story-searcher, he left us a previous legacy through its giant bibliography.
Join us to dig out the past, and discover the stories and legends that he recovered from oblivion. Decode and interpret what people transmitted through them and, especially, explore Barcelona and enjoy this tribute to the generous work of the great Amades.
Thank you, Joan.